I love this quote because it articulates what I know to be true – the right clothes really do have the power to transform, to inspire and to change lives. I have seen it time and time again throughout my 11 years of being an Image Consultant. Armed with the right wardrobe, my clients have gained the confidence needed to meet the love of their life or get promoted from the cubicle to the corner office!
As the New Year approaches, I encourage you to think about your goals for 2012 and what success means to you. Then take a good look at yourself in the mirror and assess your image. Does it align with who you really are or your definition of success? People are judged by their appearance every day and your image can help or hinder your chances of achieving your goals. The great thing about your image is that you have the power to reinvent yourself and create a personal brand that gets you the success you want.
Personal branding is your passport to success – go forth and conquer!