Has your handbag ever been compared to Mary Poppins travel bag? Well maybe you can’t fit a whole lamp inside, but the amount of items you carry around is pretty darn close. What once used to be lipgloss, breath mints, wallet, phone, and keys is now three lip glosses, two lipsticks, one lip liner, two eye liners, powder, a compact, nail polish, two packs of gum, two breath mint containers, a handful of hair ties, sunglasses, a pair of comfy shoes, a bottle of water, extra jewelry, wallet, phone, keys and the list goes on and on. Dipping your hands inside your purse to find something can almost seem unbearable. It sounds like it’s about time to pair down and get back to the basics. Besides your wallet, keys, and phone, we’ve created a list of our top 7 essentials to keep in your bag. Not only will they make your life simpler, but a whole lot lighter.
1. Lip gloss or lipstick – only one or two shades
2. Breath mints – you never know who you’re going to come in contact with
3. Shout wipes – in case you have a spill
4. Travel size perfume – one of those freebie mini tubes will do the trick
5. Nail file – no need for jagged edges
6. Compact – keep the skin looking fresh
7. Comb – untangle those knots and ratty hair