Headshot day

I think it’s very important any time you change your look or even once a year to redo your headshot.  It’s something that most people don’t think about but the value of having a fresh headshot is huge.  If your picture is out of date, when you meet with someone, they don’t know who you are.  I recently looked at a client’s profile on Linked In as well as her website and was surprised to see that her current headshot was several years old.  Her hair was a lot shorter and she dressed much differently (that’s because I gave her a makeover and she looks amazing now).  Show off the new you to the world and make sure your brand is always consistent.

As a benefit to some of our clients, we hosted a headshot day at our Studio.  Our amazing makeup artist Jessica was here doing everyone’s makeup so they looked their best and one of my favorite photographer’s was on location.  My team and I styled everyone in the best outfit and accessories to complete the look.  It was a lot of fun but most importantly, these photos turned out amazing and it was an great day.  We’ll be hosting more of these events in the future.

photo shoot

Tips for headshots.  First of all, find a photographer that you love or comes highly recommended.  They need to be able to capture YOU through the picture to whoever is looking at it.  Next, don’t skimp.  If this is a picture that you are going to show the world through your online presence or even on a business card, you want to look the best you can.  I recommend hiring a professional to do your hair and makeup.  If you can swing it, hire a professional to dress and accessorize you for the photo.  My last piece of advice is to have someone with you that can put you at ease and even make you laugh so that you don’t just have a fixed or fake smile but rather you are relaxed and having fun!

Makeup by:  Jessica Chynoweth with purleymakeup.com

Photography by: Megan Anderson with graphiquephoto.com

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